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Cheat Day! Food Review: New menu at Pizza Express, Mumbai.

I went through a phase when I was a teenager, when I wasn’t even overweight, to follow every possible fad diet there was – most popularly the General Motors diet. I deprived myself of everything I felt like eating, but when I got tired…

February 23, 2015

Review: The pursuit of ‘Happi’ness. Me So Happi, Khar, Mumbai.

I am back, after another hiatus, to apologize about my absence. This time is a little different, ‘coz I come bearing good news, especially for the forever hungry people in Mumbai. As I am trying to desperately find balance between my love for food,…

December 2, 2014

Food Review: Smoke House Deli, Bandra Kurla Complex.

Picture Courtesy : Smoke House Deli Pharrell William’s Happy is doing the rounds almost everywhere on the internet. Its great, everyone is uploading their version of the Happy Song on youtube, so much so that someone has actually uploaded a parody video called ‘Crappy‘.…

April 2, 2014

Review: Lunch at Salt Water Cafe, Churchgate, Mumbai.

Living in a bubble is not a good thing. Except sometimes, maybe it is. Or maybe it is just comfortable. I have lost count of so many places I have not been to just because I am lazy and will not travel all the…

March 15, 2014