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Recipe: The Whatever-You-Get Braised Omelet.

Off late my schedule has been full of eggs. I’m an egg lover, but I may have exaggerated myself when I said I could eat eggs for every meal. It gets repetitive after a while and one can easily get bored. That’s when the…

January 27, 2015

[Rant] How to become a Food Blogger 101

If you have read my last few posts and/or know me in person, you will know that I have been going through a phase where it has become difficult to play the role of a Food Blogger. What started out as a fun space…

June 2, 2014

Launch of the new burger McRoyale at McDonalds, Mumbai.

Food memories are the best memories. The best of my childhood memories involve playing hide and seek, lock and key, and pakda pakdi with my friends and coming back home to usually a glass of milk shake before dinner. Other prominent memories include me…

April 6, 2014