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Comfort Food

Honey Glazed Sesame Chicken. A ‘Shop For Change’ initiative.

Last month I received a hamper from Shop For Change India who work towards empowering the Farmers and make sure that everything is Fair Trade. Fair trade is a market led solution to poverty which aims to use trade, not aid, to improve livelihoods for…

October 27, 2012

5 Minute Oreo Shake. I just keep making it easier everytime!

This recipe was just a result of pure craving. I was craving for something sweet, chocolaty, chilled and yum all at the same time. When you have the right ingredients at hand, a yummy treat is just 5 minutes away! 5 Minute Oreo ShakeServes…

June 18, 2012

When Nostalgia Strikes, I hunt for Boston Cream Cupcakes.

One of those things which keep coming back to me whenever I think of the good things that happened in my past, is the memory of sitting in Tim Hortons every single day and sipping on Cafe Mocha with Boston Cream Doughnuts. Many a…

April 13, 2012