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Recipe: The Whatever-You-Get Braised Omelet.

Off late my schedule has been full of eggs. I’m an egg lover, but I may have exaggerated myself when I said I could eat eggs for every meal. It gets repetitive after a while and one can easily get bored. That’s when the…

January 27, 2015

Vegetable Au Gratin. Coz my Mother craves for exotic food.

I think I’ve completely taken after my Mother, especially in the department of having hunger pangs. These hunger pangs are rather specific and detailed, such as having Pav Bhaji but only from Amar Juice Center during peak hours of traffic. I wouldn’t blame her…

January 18, 2013

Shahi Tukda with Mascarpone Rabdi.

Why stick to the ordinary when it comes to food? The world is your oyster when it comes to experimentation with food. There are no rules that one must follow except the ones that keep the sanctity of the dish intact, if not better…

January 9, 2013