I had been meaning to move to a better layout for the blog for the longest time, but call it a creative block or just pure laziness, I could not get my head around to actually sitting down and doing it. But when I…
We all love freshly baked bread. I love the aroma that fills the entire house when I bake bread, and to say that I trip on it would be an understatement. I have been a fresh bread convert since I baked my very first…
I am emotionally attached to some food items. No, wait. I am emotionally attached to every single food item that I have had that was so good that it remained etched in my memory. Needless to say there are also instances that accompany such…
Most people I know are the kind who wake up and rush to work, and breakfast can only consist of either cereal for the healthy ones, or leftovers or just some biscuits or crackers along with a cup of Coffee. Especially in India, Moms…
Out of the few parts of India that I am a mixture of, South India is very dominant. There is South Indian food almost every Sunday at my place. Dosas and Idlis Galore!! This recipe is so unbelievably simple and yummy both at the…
I have become so obsessed with these breakfast posts that I keep getting ideas in my head all day long!! But one thing that I really want to cover in this series is Breakfasts from all over India. Starting from the North! How can…
This week has been so crazy, erratic sleeping patterns, busy schedules, having one drink too many at times and hung over mornings. So much so that I was not even able to go up to the kitchen and do one of my favorite things…
Breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day. Most nights I go to sleep thinking what I would be having for breakfast the next day. I am so crazy about a good breakfast that I many times end up having breakfast for Lunch…
Someone told me that pictures speak a thousand words. So I’m gonna just go ahead and post about how I celebrated this Valentines Day. In short, it involved a lot of home cooked food (I’m talking breakfast in bed, lunch by the window and…
We all love Nutella. I mean there would be hardly anyone who hates it, and I hope they have valid reasons to do so. What better than a healthy Nutella recipe? Peanuts are good for our heart, A couple of tablespoons of Olive Oil…