Homemade Mayonnaise

January 9, 2011

I have to thank MasterChef Australia for changing my entire outlook on cooking, especially the MasterClasses. Life seems incomplete without my weekly dose of the show now 🙁 But I have observed that I have started to respect my ingredients a lot more and view them from innovative angles. I am nothing as compared to the great cooks that appeared on the show, but it is never too late to fall in love 🙂

Here is the Mayonnaise I made following the guidelines shown on TV. It is worth a try! I am slowly beginning to avoid going to the stores to buy stuff like this! You will notice that with all the upcoming posts 😉
Homemade Mayonnaise
Recipe from MasterChef Australia
Makes one medium jar, plus some to spare, plus the extra which u keep licking off your spoon while making it.
2 large eggs (at room temperature)
1 tablespoon English Mustard
1 teaspoon Vinegar
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon cold water
1.5 cups Olive Oil (I used vegetable oil)
Crack open your eggs in a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients too, except the oil and water. I would recommend that everything should be at room temperature before you start making your own Mayo. Blend the mixture for about 40 seconds. Then add oil, just a couple of tablespoons to start with. Blend for another minute. Then add some more oil. Then blend it for 30 more seconds. Keep repeating this cycle. You will see that the mixture goes milky, and then as you keep adding in oil and blending further, the texture changes to a beautiful creamy yellow. The idea here is to incorporate as much oil as you can till you reach a Maiyonaisse-y consistency. Add the one teaspoon of chilled water and blend again for 30 seconds. Trust me, this makes a huge difference. Your Homemade Mayonnaise is now ready 🙂
Another thing I must mention, the mayonnaise does tend to thicken up as you keep it standing, so you can opt for a slightly runny consistency too.
You can play with it. Add minced Garlic for a Garlic Mayo, or caramelized Onions for Onion Mayo, Mint chutney for an amazing Chutney Mayo, and so on! I made Honey Mustard out of my Mayo. But that is a whole new post 🙂

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  • Reply Random Thoughts Of My Mind January 9, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    hey der…I must say ur mayonaisse luks lovely gal..thanks for the recipe,I too have been following master chef,but u seem to have been real serious wid it n the output luks grt!keep going..will be visiting dis fresh new blog frm time to time

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 9, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    Yes, it is worth a try! Thanks for the compliment 🙂

  • Reply Tiffany January 13, 2011 at 5:51 am

    This sounds really tasty, adding it to the must try list!

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 13, 2011 at 6:03 pm

    Thanks Tiffany 🙂 Yes, do let me know how it turns out!!

  • Reply Harshad January 15, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    well, i loved d mayo made this way….had made it d day it was shown on MCA….was fun 😀

    since my dad is a strict veggie, i keep trying to find veg options for everything….from chocolates, to orange pudding….to "mirinda cake"…tastes like mawa cake….with a tang of orange 😉

    so i replaced d eggs with butter….and got a somewhat similar result….though d consistency sucked! 🙁 d butter kept screwing up with d mustard….and i cudnt find the right mix…proportions issue… :O

    do let me know if u can think of a way to sort that out… 🙂

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 16, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Ah well, butter would not be the ideal option for it considering that Mayo is basically an emulsion of a Protein and a Fat. And Oil and Butter both being fats, it answers why the consistency did not work out. I have many friends who are vegetarians and I also am on a quest to find a doable and durable vegetarian alternative for the same! I will let you know 🙂

  • Reply Anonymous January 16, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    yeah… u better.. understandin am a vegan too ;D

    proud of you chef 😉

    ps. dont expect relevant/food advice/suggestions type comments 4m me… i am jus gonu babble in here n u kno why 😀

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 16, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    SB.. Point noted!

  • Reply Harshad January 17, 2011 at 10:41 am


    might wanna check d website for mailing of comments….

    didn't get an email on ur follow-up comment…

    consistency issues… 😉 😀

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 17, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    aww, you might wanna subscribe by email to get those notifications 🙂

  • Reply Harshad January 23, 2011 at 7:58 am

    ah….trickster!!! 😛

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