Bettering Breakfast #5: Nothing beats a simple Egg and Avocado Sandwich.

July 6, 2012

Most people I know are the kind who wake up and rush to work, and breakfast can only consist of either cereal for the healthy ones, or leftovers or just some biscuits or crackers along with a cup of Coffee. Especially in India, Moms make breakfast daily as per custom but with modernization and growth, more and more people shift bases due to work and despite having a fully functional kitchen, prefer not to cook either coz of sheer laziness or coz they’re too used to be brought fresh breakfast by Mommy dearest. I always encourage people to make their own breakfasts. It’s easy, healthy, and would make your day better than you can imagine. One such easy breakfasts to put together is one of my most favorite things to eat, an Egg an Avocado Sandwich.

Egg and Avocado Open Sandwich.
Serves 2
Recipe : Self

Ingredients : 

1 Avocado, Sliced or mashed.
1 Tomato, Sliced into rings.
2 Eggs
2 tbsp Oil
2 Bread Slices.
Butter (Optional)
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


Get the Ingredients ready.

Toast the bread in a toaster or on the pan. You can butter them if you like.

Make 2 Sunny Side up eggs with 1 tbsp oil, salt and pepper, one for each sandwich. I like runny yolks but suit yourself. You could also make an omelet or scramble them.

Place on a slice of bread each and top with Tomatoes and Avocado slices. I sprinkle extra pepper on top too! Top with another slice of bread if desired. Enjoy 🙂

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