Tasty and Healthy Cumin Crusted Cutlets with CoCoMi Chutney.

January 23, 2011

I have been a little busy this week, and did not cook a lot, but I make this all the time and every time I make them, I try and make them healthier!

Cumin Crusted Cutlets with CoCoMi Chutney
Recipe by : Self
Serves 4 as an appetizer


For the Cumin Crusted Cutlets:
1 large potato, boiled and mashed. (You can use 2 small)
1 cup Soyabean Granules (You can also use minced meat, in which case you will need to add 1 whisked egg to the mixture too)
2 tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce

1 tsp Red Chili Powder (Or 2 chopped Green Chilies)
1 tsp Dry Coriander Powder (Optional)
1 tsp Chaat Masala Powder (Optional)
1 tsp Aamchur (Dry Mango) Powder (Optional)
Seeds of Half a Pomegranate. (This is purely seasonal)
A handful of finely chopped Cilantro/Coriander (You can also add in some Mint)
3 tablespoons Cumin Seeds, Roasted over a dry pan
5 slices of Multi Grain/ Whole Wheat Bread
Cooking Spray / Oil for greasing
Salt to taste

For the CoCoMi Chutney:

1 handful of Coriander leaves
1 handful of Mint leaves
1 Chili (Optional)
Juice of 1 Lemon
An inch of Ginger
2 large cloves of Garlic
Salt and Sugar to taste
1/2 cup Coconut Milk


Heat the oven to 400F/190C (If you plan on baking these)

For the CoCoMi Chutney:

Add all Ingredients in the blender except the Coconut Milk,Sugar and Salt. Blend on high till it forms a smooth paste. Now add the Coconut Milk and blitz again. Then add Salt and Sugar as per taste. Chill in the refrigerator till your Cutlets get ready!

For the Cumin Crusted Cutlets:

Roast the Cumin on a small dry pan on high heat, till it gives out the aroma. Remove it on a plate and let it cool down. Crumb your bread slices, and before you remove them from the blender, add the Roasted Cumin and blend again. You will have a beautiful, strong aroma in the room. Spread them over a plate. In another bowl, mix all the other ingredients, and knead them together so it forms a dough. You can add half cup of your processed bread crumbs if you think the mixture dough is too loose to make cutlets out of them. But you should be fine. Chilling the mixture for 30 minutes also works if the consistency is loose.Form small, flat cutlets and cover them on both sides with the cumin crumbs. I got 16.

In case you’re baking them (the healthier way), Grease a cookie sheet with some Pam or with Oil, and lay them side by side, bake them 15-20 minutes, till you get a beautiful crust on top.

I pan fried my cutlets on the griddle, with a total of 2 tablespoon oil (Just few drops to drizzle around the cutlets, which I fried 4 at a time) , 5 minutes each side on a medium flame, and got a beautiful crust on both sides. Serve with the smooth, minty CoCoMi Chutney! Enjoy 🙂

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  • Reply something_good January 23, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    Cumin has such an impressive flavor! Nice CoCoMi : ) chutney!

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 23, 2011 at 6:12 pm

    Thank you 🙂

  • Reply Anagh January 24, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    aaaaaaaaaaaa … y dun u start ur restaurant with home delivery at DOMBIVLI 😐

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 24, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    ROFL 😉

  • Reply Gillian January 25, 2011 at 7:20 am

    I definitely want try making these yum

  • Reply Caramel Wings January 25, 2011 at 7:30 am

    Hey there 🙂 Do let me know how they turn out!!!

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