Recipe: The Perfect Scramble

February 8, 2015

I say this in every blog post of mine that features eggs, and I’ll say it in this one too. I love eggs. I’m the kind of person who eats breakfast for dinner. So you can only trust me blindly when it comes to whacking out a good egg based breakfast out of my kitchen. I watched Ina Garten make this recipe on her show few years ago, and I have still been making it regularly. 

These scrambled eggs are absolutely yummy, and a staple as my breakfast and breakfast for dinner menu. I used Tata salt lite to make them low sodium. I did use butter in the recipe, but hey, you earn that pat of butter when you workout like a beast at the gym!
The perfect Scramble
Serves 1 as a healthy portion
Takes 5 minutes
Recipe credit: Ina Garten on Food Network
3 Eggs
A splash of milk or cream
A pat of butter
1 tsp Oil
Tata salt lite, to season
Pepper, to season
Mixed herbs and Chili flakes to taste
Whisk your eggs in a bowl with salt and milk/cream until they’re nicely frothy.
Heat up a non stick pan on medium low. Once it’s heated up, turn the heat down to low and add the oil, followed by half of the butter.
Pour the whisked eggs in. You’ll see they start to cook from the edges. Bring the edges in the middle and keep whisking every 10 seconds. Repeat this until you have a gorgeously soft and fluffy scramble. 
Now add in the remaining butter to make it luscious and glossy, and finish with a crack of pepper, herbs and Chili flakes. Serve warm.
I served mine up with Garlic Bread slices and half a grilled a Tomato. It was gone in 5 minutes or less ☺️
How do YOU like them eggs? 

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1 Comment

  • Reply Caramel Wings February 23, 2015 at 9:52 am

    Nom nom nom!! 😀 Yayyy!!

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