Motivation: 10 Tips for Beginners who have just joined the gym!

February 15, 2015
Image Credit: Google Images

It was a very difficult decision for me to switch my blog from a normal food blog to shifting its focus to health and fitness. I have spent close to a year, procrastinating, thinking that making this switch would ruin what I already have, all my beautiful readers may get tired or bored, and honestly it was just another excuse. For a person who finds it easiest to express herself in the form of writing, it was like my life depended on it.

Now that I have finally taken the plunge, I am nothing but overwhelmed and awe-inspired. I am so thankful to each one of you who have been religiously reading my blog, trying my recipes, following my journey on various modes of social media, writing to me, pouring your hearts out and sharing your emotional struggles too. Seriously, I feel humbled. Thank you so, so much. One of you reached out to me and offered tonnes of helpful advice and it helped me a great deal. I am not revealing your identity, but please know that you have been very helpful! Thank you so much πŸ™‚

Here is a list of 10 tips for beginners who have just joined the gym, written by one of my readers!


What prompts us all to join the Gym ?

We want to get out there in the competitive world, be it our friend circle, our work place, family functions, to stand out in any activity. looking fit & getting noticed for being awesomely built.

1. When you join the gym make a pact with yourself to be regular for
the first three months.

2. You will find many Gym pundits on the gym floor. Some of them may be
your friends, pumping Iron for the past many years. Please don’t take
his Gyaan on the Gym floor. Your trainer will lose interest in you.

3. Be honest with your trainer with regards to your goal & the amount
of commitment you are ready to pledge to achieve your goal.

4. Once your body measurements are taken down by your trainer, make a
copy of the same & keep it for your record. Ask your trainer the next
due-date for measurements. (If your gym does not do this, please take your measurements and keep checking every month)

5. Discuss with Your trainer any/all medical injury that you are ailing from.

6. Modify your diet plan. Your body needs those extra quality calories
(proteins , carbs, etc ) to help you meet with your goal. Seek the
assistance of a certified  dietician.

7. Yes, You need motivation at the gym, a training buddy is a good
idea but not only will he have mood swings, different plans on certain
days. No two bodies are the same. So workout alone with a vengeance.
Your pump & burn should be Your best motivator.

8.Train Your core. Ask your trainer about your body type & never
hesitate to ask him questions, if any.

9. Educate yourself on fitness vide the Internet, journals etc

10. Please seek your Doctors go-ahead before you start an exercise regime.



My blog reader Nairutee who also spreads a lot of love over my Instagram feed (<3) added some points in the comments section, updating them here as well! 

I’d like to add a few more points to this –

> Stretch, stretch, stretch! Before and after workouts. One of the most imp elements people usually ignore.

> If you can’t go to a gym there are tonnes of other options. Go to your nearest park,start with brisk walking and slowly build to a light jog. Take a jump rope along. Join a zumba / aerobics class. Once you start enjoying the exercise, you might just be motivated to join a gym to take your workouts a notch higher.

> Always.. Always keep a food journal. In this age of smartphones you can easily download a good app where you can log what you eat for getting a basic idea about how much you are eating (or over or under eating). This personally has helped me a lot eat more consciously and make better food choices.

> Workout not just to lose weight but to get fitter and build better flexibility and stamina. The weightloss will definitely happen.

> And last but not the least, don’t do it for others – because your mother, husband, boyfriend asked you to. Till the time you do not make it “your own” goal – that you’re doing it for yourself because you want to feel fitter and energetic and healthier – it will feel like a burden. So just accept yourself and start working on yourself and let your efforts do the rest of the talking πŸ™‚ 

I think these tips are great! Don’t you?

If you have something to share, you can write to me too! My email address is exploreyourkitchen at gmail dot com πŸ™‚ 

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  • Reply Rafeeda AR February 16, 2015 at 5:33 am

    I have been wanting to put across the eons of kgs that I am gaining… even today morning I got a bit hinter from Mr. HD… πŸ™ You seem to have motivated me even more… let's see… πŸ™‚

  • Reply Caramel Wings February 16, 2015 at 5:35 am

    Thank you so much, Tulika! I give a little bit of information about eating right in every post, coz let's face it. No matter how many hours you kills yourself at the gym, if you aren't eating right, it's not gonna show the desired results. Stay tuned, and let me know what your fitness goals are via message/DM.

    Lots of love ❀️

  • Reply Caramel Wings February 16, 2015 at 5:36 am

    Well it's never too late ☺️ And I am so glad I can inspire you even a little bit, please make a decision, a pact with yourself that no matter what, you will not stray for 3 weeks. By then it will already be your routine and it's not all that difficult after that stage! All the best, let's shred it!

  • Reply Nairutee February 23, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Good points esp :
    1. Do not talk when working out. Most people waste more energy talking about food or just other random things than actually concentrating on the workout

    2. W.r.t point above it's always better to motivate yourself into working out independently than depending on a buddy.

    I'd like to add a few more points to this –

    > Stretch, stretch, stretch! Before and after workouts. One of the most imp elements people usually ignore.

    > If you can't go to a gym there are tonnes of other options. Go to your nearest park,start with brisk walking and slowly build to a light jog. Take a jump rope along. Join a zumba / aerobics class. Once you start enjoying the exercise, you might just be motivated to join a gym to take your workouts a notch higher.

    > Always.. Always keep a food journal. In this age of smartphones you can easily download a good app where you can log what you eat for getting a basic idea about how much you are eating (or over or under eating). This personally has helped me a lot eat more consciously and make better food choices.

    > Workout not just to lose weight but to get fitter and build better flexibility and stamina. The weightloss will definitely happen.

    > And last but not the least, don't do it for others – because your mother, husband, boyfriend asked you to. Till the time you do not make it "your own" goal – that you're doing it for yourself because you want to feel fitter and energetic and healthier – it will feel like a burden. So just accept yourself and start working on yourself and let your efforts do the rest of the talking πŸ™‚

    Happy Working out!! πŸ™‚

  • Reply Caramel Wings February 23, 2015 at 9:51 am

    Absolutely true! I'm gonna add these points to the post as well πŸ™‚ Working out always makes us a better version of ourselves.

  • Reply Nairutee February 24, 2015 at 9:24 am

    Thanks and bang on true πŸ™‚

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