What I had for Lunch Today…

January 13, 2011

I am majorly a craving person. There is no stopping me when I crave a certain food. Today was one such day. The good part is that it was not a weird craving, and easily accessible. Curry Noodles. And anything with an added Sunny Side Up, just makes things exponentially better. And this salad I have been wanting to try forever. Today was a good day, foodwise 🙂
I made a Salad to go with it, was waiting to try out a Brown Sugar Vinaigrette. It was really nice and fresh!
Garden Salad with Brown Sugar Vinaigrette
Recipe by self, experimenting!
Vinaigrette enough for a huge bowl of salad.

For the Vinaigrette:
2 tablespoons Brown Sugar
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
1 tablespoon English Mustard
A dash (1 tablespoon) of Soya Sauce
Half a cup Orange Juice
Zest one 1 orange (Optional)
For the Salad:
Your Favorite Veggies
(I used Red Cabbage, Green Cabbage, Bell Peppers)
A handful of Walnuts
2 teaspoons of Flax Seeds (Or Flax Seed Powder)
1 Apple chopped to bite size pieces
Rub your chopped Apples with Lemon Juice to prevent them from going dark. Mix all the ingredients for the Vinaigrette and drizzle over the bowl of the colorful salad. Enjoy!
You could also grill the apples slightly for variation!
I had my Salad along with Curried Ramen Noodles topped with a Sunny Side Up!

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