My Jack’s Story

November 11, 2016

It’s that time of the month where spring-cleaning is in full force. The time where we throw away the junk that we bought months/years ago which had no real use or context, yet we chose to keep it around, just in case if we ever need it. Too many things out in the donation boxes, de-cluttering our lives and giving away memories, and in the middle of all that I found a couple of old diaries. I opened the first one, and it had recipes. Half written recipes, roughly scribbled recipes, stains of gravy and frosting on the pages. It was like traveling through time. Mom would copy recipes as a kid from the back of the “Kaalnirnay” calendar. I have a similar notebook where I write down my ingredients and rough recipes even till date. I opened the second book, and it was full of poems and songs. I start reading through one-
Aaja, nazneen tu aaja, gale lag ja mere tu, dur na ja…
The best part about my family is that we drink together. Weekends are usually spent watching the telly and having a drink or two together, followed by a yummy dinner. The drink for the night was Jack Daniels, and there was no telly, for the conversations flowed. Dad told us about how he used to write poetry for Mom when he was courting her. There were bunches of letters exchanged between them, as Mom trained in Delhi and Dad was here in Mumbai. Love is evergreen. It grows even more beautiful with time. I can say the same for the whiskey, which has been around for a good, long 150 years!
The four of us drank Jack Daniel’s together that night, and the remains of it went into a dark chocolate and whiskey cake experiment. How versatile is this spirit, as it moistens the chocolate cakes, adds character to my sauces, makes for an amazing addition to ice creams, too! But I’m an old school girl and I like my Jack Daniels neat.
As for my beautifully vintage decanter, it now sits in my parents’ room, looking all pretty, housing a money plant. The alcohol may get over, but the stories remain forever. Best wishes to team Jack Daniels for completing #150Years. 150 years is just a beginning, cheers to the next 150 and more!
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article by Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey.
Jack Daniel’s promotes Responsible Drinking.
The images used above are exclusive property of Jack Daniel’s.

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  • Reply Justin March 26, 2020 at 5:22 pm

    Long time supporter, and thought I’d drop a comment.

    Your wordpress site is very sleek – hope you don’t mind me asking what theme you’re using?
    (and don’t mind if I steal it? :P)

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    – it’s still in the works.

    Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!

    • Reply admin April 8, 2020 at 8:38 pm


      Thanks for writing in! Love your website 🙂 I will check with my designer about the theme and get back to you 🙂 Hope you’re safe and secure during these difficult times.

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